you know my uncle alex had a wooden leg. if you ever want a drawing pen, ask me, ask me, he'd say. he used to keep a lot of drawings pins, together with shopping lists and little memoes, on his left ankle. that's what i call turning a minus into a plus, turning a disadvantage into advantage. Whatever you look like,
whatever disadvantages you have, be yourself . use what you have. you'll never be success if you're trying to be somebody else. that's like a, a teapot trying to be a lion. if you are a teapot , be the best one around . stick to what you do, but do it well.
to be successful you must have clear goals, know what you want, have definite targets and concentrate on them. if you are relaxed and your self other people will like you. there's no need to pretend, ever. just be you, yourself..
dont fear failure , you'll fail sometimes we all do, so what ??? the only way never to fail is never to try anything. USE YOUR IMAGINATION, be brave and you'll never be sorry you had a try.
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