As quoted from, Tuesday (12/1/2010), a test conducted by Moto developement Group (not part of Motorola's group). The test aimed to test the calibration of the touch screen phones are. This means that these tests do not measure the resolution or the phone screen design.
A technique developed by Moto developement Group on the test. The goal is to evaluate the accuracy of the touch screen of the phone above. Examiners enough to scratch a diagonal line on the phone screen is crossed, to fill the screen. The more successful a straight line made the more accurate touch-screen technology device, the less straight diagonal line is not generated, meaning the quality is not getting the maximum accuracy.
The result? iPhone has proved diagonal strokes of the most straight-line approach, while others still a little zig-zag.
While the second position is occupied by HTC and Google Eris Droid Nexus One, and the last position is the Motorola Droid. Perhaps this is one reason why iPhone users often claim gadgetnya is the best.
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