if we wanna be a proffesional blogger we have to have a blog hosting, but to rent a blog hosting we need some money, but how can we do it, if we dont have enough money, and are you looking for a Free Blog Hosting ? and you need a good service with Free Blog Hosting for your blog, okey guys i will help you now!
there are many a free blog hosting for you with their own advantages and disadvantages. Okayblog[dot]net is one of the free blog hosting sites you can use to share ideas, thoughts, and anything.and to register in the okayblog is very easy.
and do you know ? Okay Blog is a free blog hosting site powered by Wordpress blogging software. Create a blog at your own url provided for free by okayblog.net.
I recommend you use the its sevice because it's very cool.
in the okayblog, have a good service and many features like recent blog post that will automatically show your post right after you publish it, updated blogs that lists any recently updated blogs and most popular blogs feature. At least, your blog will be appeared in recent blog posts and updated blogs features. For this and other reasons,and do you wanna try??
kagak ngerti basa inggris
Thanks for information..
But i suggest this wonderful hosting...
Try this
Web Hosting
Domain Name
Hosting ISO
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