in my mind dream is me, and me is dream..why i say that because i can't life without dream, dream make a spirit in my life, to be better... <-- it's my opinion...
Ancient cultures believed that dreams were spiritual in origin, often foretelling the future. Aristotle believed that dreams originated from within the dreamer, arising from the heart. Modern dream research has focused on two general interpretations of dream content. In one view, dreams have no inherent meaning but are simply a process by which the brain integrates new information into memories. In the other view, dreams contain real meaning symbolized in a picture language that is distinct from conscious logical thought.
The recounting of dreams has been used widely as part of clinical treatment. If dreams express important wishes, fears, concerns, and worries of the dreamer, the study and analysis of dreams can help reveal previously unknown aspects of a person’s mental functioning.
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komentar anda mengandung ribuan arti buat saya maka dari itu kritik dan sarannya ditunggu lewat komentar disini yaaaa.....
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