Senin, Agustus 31, 2009

New PTR :

Blog advertisingNow, There is new PTR or Paid To Review. It was called LinkFromBlog or we mostly call LFB. Now, to receive money from internet is difficult, because everyday always there are more internet marketting user. Especially for PTR Program, but don't worry because there are more internet marketting user also there are more new PTR Program.

This Program offer more profit to us than other PTR Provider, for the example, when i activated this domain, i will receive some bonus, why ? because i review the LinkFromBlog Program and there are many type of profit which we only can get when we have joined.

To follow this program you have to follow all the rules that have been determined. For making review, ordinarily the word that required to use is 100 words to 600 words each article review, but it fixed depends on the advertiser request.

And also, LFB use PayPal for the payment, i love it, because it is easier to Pay Out our earning. So, Let Join LFB...

If you get trouble, and you become my refferal, you will get my help...

so dont go any where, ok :)
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New Bie Oon on 3 September 2009 pukul 03.09 mengatakan...

wew kek na salah alamat nih, ko bahasa inggris semua na?? hikhikhik.. mamad yang dulu kemana yaa?? moga berhasil mat mendulang dollar na.. keren posting na, aq juga dah daftar tapi lum sempet bikin postingan..

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komentar anda mengandung ribuan arti buat saya maka dari itu kritik dan sarannya ditunggu lewat komentar disini yaaaa.....

Rekor komentar : 15 komentar....tambahin yaaa hehe


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